Secret of the Chaya

  Many myths and legends with roots deep in long-lived traditions and religious sources exist in Mexico.  Many are as mysterious as ancient Maya hieroglyphics chiseled into giant stone sculptures entwined among the roots of the magnificent ceiba tree.  I find legends to be just that, interesting stories of inspiration with little historical or scientific…

Stuck in Toluca?

With a population of 9 million people, the thought of getting around in Mexico City (often referred to as D.F. for Distrito Federal) can be frightening for the first-time visitor.  Even after half a dozen visits to Mexico City, I still get a little distraught when going to a new area. There are two international…

ISLA BLANCA – The Unknown Road to the White Island

The following story is an accurate account of a very inspiring experience.  My travel adventures often involve the introduction of interesting characters I meet along the way.  In this excerpt the reader meets, other than myself, a few locals, a man I will refer to as “el Machete” and, most impressively, two Cuban castaways. I…

Cattle and milk ranch near Cerro de Nanchital

Shortly after crossing the bridge the paved road ends and the VW sedan buckets along the dirt and gravel road winding through hills of thick green vegetation beneath a canopy of tall trees.  A toloque, or basilisk lizard, just ran across the road in front of us.  It’s that incredibly unique lizard that has the…